Here they are just starting...
I love this time of year, however, I've been feeling sorry for myself lately. I never thought I would be one of those people who lived far away from family, yet here I am. I want to have lunch with my moms, hold my little sister's and sister in law's babies, play with my nieces and nephews, let my boys have sleepovers at grandma's house, have free babysitters who love my kids, have family dinners, laugh with my dad, and be able to just "stop by." Rather, we visit twice a year and it's chaos. The flight is expensive and long. We are always exhausted. Then we cram as much fun as possible in a few short days with each side of the family, then back to Virginia, where the post-family depression sets in as we adjust to the time change and back to reality, lonely reality. I feel like my boys miss out on so much because they don't get to do all the fun stuff that other kids get to do with their grandparents and cousins. Especially because both sets of their grandparents are so great and would do such fun stuff with them! Why are we out here?
I guess now is where I should list off all the things I'm grateful for and try to focus on the positive rather than the negative. Focus on what I DO have rather than what I don't have. But, it's just not that kind of day.
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