Today we took the boys to see Santa, Jack and Josh were so excited to be "brave" and go up alone for the first time. Here they are waiting in line, and by the way, they all dressed themselves this morning!!!
Joshy told Santa he wants a remote control truck...
Jackson told Santa he wanted a batman set up...
And Tyce had a death grip on Parker and wouldn't even take a sucker from Santa...
Cute guys!!!
After the mall we went to a used book store and let each of the boys pick out a book, they thought it was so cool to have their own baskets...

In other news, Tyce has his endoscopy scheduled for this coming Monday, the 19th, at 11am. It was originally scheduled for February but since his symptoms have worsened the doctor moved it up, and I am thrilled. I want to know what is wrong with my poor Tycee and how I can help him. I am nervous about putting him under anesthetic, it's always scary with little ones. Please keep him in your prayers!
The good one week we will be PACKING TO COME TO UTAH!!!! :)
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