Christmas morning we got up at 4am and headed to the airport at 5:15am. We had enough time to eat breakfast before we boarded. We got on the plane and then they realized we had no fuel so we got to sit on the the plane for an hour before take off. Tyce freaked out, I mean screaming and flailing. That lasted about 1.5 hours, it was awful. He's never been like that on a flight, I don't know what was wrong. The good news is he slept for 2.5 hours, and woke up happy. We landed and my parents, Lindsay, and Jason were there to meet us!!!
We went straight to my sister's house to see everyone else. The kids were super excited to play in their "mountain house"...
Abbi, Mason, Jackson, Tyce, Livi, and Josh...
David, Mason, Jackson, Jason, and Livi...

Jason, my mom, and Lindsay...

Love this picture, Linds loves my boys so much...

I GOT TO MEET MY NEW NEPHEW LUKE! He's 6 weeks old, tiny, and adorable!!!!

My dad carving the delicious turkey...
I love this scene...all the family together and having fun...
We stayed at a hotel down in Provo with my parents. My kids love staying in hotels and had fun. Here they are playing a game with grandma...

Tyce LOVES "baby Ruke" and kept kissing him and hugging him...

We took all the kids except Livi to the Kangaroo Zoo. They had a blast. Poor Livi was sick with a horrible stomach bug that, since her and Abbi, Tyce, Jack, Dana, Lindsay, Jason, and Tegan have gotten!

Ok so I kinda hogged Luke the whole time. He is soooo precious, I just can't get enough of him...

Josh held Luke for a while, but got bored pretty quickly...

My mom got each of us girls these really cute daughter bracelets that say "Daughter, you are very dear to me, please always travel safely."

My sis in law Christine stopped by to say goodbye because she is moving to Texas with her boyfriend Walt. I got to meet my OTHER NEW NEPHEW KAI!!! He is 5 months, huge, and so cute!!! It was great to see them but very hard to say goodbye! Here Lindsay and Christine switched babies, so don't be confused. It was very weird seeing both my little sisters as mommies, but they look GREAT and are GREAT mommies!!!!
Grandpa wrestling the boys before we headed to the pool...
The kids loved waking up, having a continental breakfast, then heading to the pool....

The men went skiing twice while us girls watched the kids so we thought we were entitled to a girls day out...

We went to lunch, shopping, and got pedis...

It was so fun just us girls without kids and husbands!
I have one more post to do about the time with my family, then when we get home I'll blog about our time with Morrills!!!