And look at them now!!!!
Monday morning they woke up to the house decorated and ready to run through the crepe paper and turn 5!!!
I let them open their family presents that morning because I figured they'd have enough presents to open that night at their friend party. They were so excited...
Auntie Lindsay and Uncle Jason sent them BYU football shirts! So cute!
Joshy loved his transformer from Auntie Nicole...
Jack loved his too...
Auntie Nicole also sent them batman sunglasses and new movies!
Grandma Bybee sent them $20 in $1 bills, they were SO excited!
Grandma and Grandpa Barraclough sent them super cute books and a dino dot to dot. Their main present was going to Great Wolf Lodge a couple weeks ago. They love their new books and I love having something different to read them!
They also got homemade cards from Auntie Jackie and Cole, which they thought were so cool. Grandma and Grandpa Morrill sent them each a visa gift card so they get to go shopping and pick out their own toys! They can't wait to go.
That evening we had their first ever friend birthday party! We had it at a park and the weather was PERFECT! Mid 70s, no humidity, slight breeze. It was wonderful! We had about 18 kids come, which was hectic but I had some adults there to help as well.
They played Red Rover Red Rover...
Leah and Tyce were so cute holding hands...
Josh was so excited when his friends started singing to him...
Could he be any cuter?
Dino cake from Costco...
Opening presents...
They loved their Spiderman masks...
Group shot of the adults...
Group shot of the kids: Emily, Noah, Meg, Jackson, Josh, Geovanny, Rhyannon, Taison, Finn, Dalton, Alana, Maggie, Brianna, Yoshi, Josh, Kenji, Jake, and Brandon! Leah and Sarah were also there but had to leave a little early. My boys are so lucky to have such a good group of friends from church, school, and the gym!
The only thing that went wrong: Tyce had a HUGE blowout. SO, he was white trash kid in his diaper for the end of the party...
A white trash kid in a diaper who LOVED his cake...
It was the perfect evening. Great weather, great friends, great party. I can't believe my boys are 5! It sounds so old to me! They are special boys that I feel honored to parent. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKSON AND JOSH! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
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