Instead of getting Jackson and Josh presents for their birthday this year we decided to take them to Dutch Wonderland for a day. It's a really fun amusement park in Pennsylvania, about a 2.5 hour drive. We didn't tell them where we were going (mostly because there was a 60% chance of rain and we didn't want to get their hopes up in case we couldn't go). When we got there they were SO excited and SO cute! We ended up having great weather and no lines! It was so nice being able to walk onto every ride. Often times they just let the boys stay on the ride and go again because no one else was waiting! It was the perfect way to celebrate my boys turning 5!
They loved this ride...

Yes yes, Jackson is the princess...

Tyce loved the bulldozers...

Cute guys on the panda ride...

I had to beg them to stop chasing ducks so I could take a picture...

Josh and I were awesome at bumper cars!

Pony rides! I must admit I hated paying $10 to have them ride a pony for 5 minutes when they can do that for FREE in Neola! Oh well, this will do for now...

They loved this froggy ride...


Riding on the train...

Don't mind my sweaty shiney face, it was quite humid...

They probably could have ridden these plasma cars all day!

Cute guys on the horse and buggy carriage...

Can you tell Josh enjoyed his blue raspberry italian ice?

Tyce in the hands up roller coaster pose for this ride that moves about 2mph...

It was such a fun day! Tyce was an angel, even without his usual 4 hour nap. There was a really fast roller coaster there that Jackson and Josh LOVED! We went on that over and over again. I was surprised how brave they were! We stayed until 8pm then grabbed some dinner and headed home. The kids were asleep pretty fast. We drove through a CRAZY storm! Tornados, BUCKETS of rain, huge lightening and thunder. People were pulled over under bridges waiting out the storm. We kept driving and made it through. I love storms, but it was scary driving through it. We're glad that the rain held off until after we left! We are all tired today but hopefully we can get to bed early because tomorrow is their BIRTHDAY! They're so excited for their party. I'll post on that soon!
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