My friend Kimberly and I went out to lunch yesterday at the Cheesecake Factory then went for hour long massages. It was SUCH a great day! Very relaxing and so what we mommies deserved! :) Thanks to my wonderful husband for happily watching the kids while I got pampered and thanks for Kimberly for the great company!

This morning we went to church and the boys sang Mother Dear I Love You So in Sacrament meeting. My heart always melts when my boys sing to me. After church they gave me their surprises, cute handprints on oven mits with their names and dates on them. Very sweet. Parker gave me a sweet card and a whole Saturday to go get my hair done and get another massage! Yay for me! I also got flowers and a card from my sweet thoughtful mother in law! It's been a nice day, I just took a nap, now I'm blogging, then I think I'll go read! Parker knows that all I want on Mother's Day is to...relax!!! I haven't changed a diaper or washed a dish all day! I am so grateful to be a mommy to these sweet precious boys...

I am especially grateful today, of course, for my own mother. She's on her way home right now from a week in Florida, hard life she leads, but she so deserves it after raising three daughters! I heard that one of them was super difficult too. :) My older sister doesn't read my blog so I can say that. My mom is a wonderful person and I look up to her in so many ways. If you would've told me 12 years ago that I would actually WANT to BE with my mom someday, I would've laughed. I was a typical teenager. Now, I would give anything to be with my mom. Every day. All the time. We talk at least three times a day every day and I love sharing everything that's going on in my life with her. She loves me, my husband, and my children. She loves having them to her houses in Oregon and spoiling them rotten. She does so much for her family and for those around her in need. I feel so blessed to have been sent to her family and her care. I LOVE YOU MOM!!!

I am also very grateful today for my dear mother "in-law." It sounds weird to call her that, because in so many ways she has become a real mom to me too. Mom #2 maybe? I remember being on the fence about Parker and I when we first met. Then I met his family, especially his mom, and my decision was easy. I wanted her for my mother in law. So I married her gorgeous son. :) Michelle is a wonderfully unselfish, giving, and loving person. She thinks of everyone else before herself. She treats me like her real daughter and loves me so much. It's comforting to know your mother in law loves you and "approves" of you. She loves my boys so much too. She is a very hands on grandma and my kids are so lucky. I LOVE YOU MOM #2!!!

I love Mother's Day, not just because I get to sleep, get massages, and not change diapers, but because mothers are SO important and deserve much appreciation and recognition. Moms don't get paychecks, promotions, and praise...we get pooped on, yelled at, and exhausted. But we are raising the future and that job is crucial. I am trying my best to teach my children so they can be examples of what's right as they get older. I am so grateful that both Parker and I were raised in homes where we were taught what was right and what was important. Happy Mother's Day to all you wonderful women out there!!!
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