Here's Jack walking in the "processional"...
They had all been to Great Wolf Lodge before but it was my first time. It is SO great! I was very impressed with it...
My parents upgraded our room to the "Kids Cabin." They LOVED sleeping in here...
I bought them goggles before we left, best $10 I ever spent. They loved them and wore them the entire time...

After 5 hours of swimming on Thursday we went to IHOP at 10pm for dinner. They were SO tired! Josh fell asleep after a few bites...
Tired Jackson=fits. He was devastated because he didn't get the same exact kids menu as Josh. He was exhausted, we tried to be patient with him. He cheered up when his food came and ate a ton!
When we got back to the hotel they were asleep right away...
Friday morning we had breakfast at the hotel, then headed back to the waterpark! They played for 9 hours, only stopping for lunch...
Around 4 they opened up the outside part. We were excited because we could lounge on the chairs while they played!
We finally left the waterpark around 8pm, showered, grabbed some dinner, and headed home. Everyone was so tired! Saturday we were lazy all morning, then went to Dulles Town Center in the afternoon/evening. My dad watched the boys while my mom and I shopped for swim suits!
The twins have spent a lot of time wrestling with grandpa. Anyone that knows my dad knows that's one of the things he's famous for! Saturday morning he had them cracking up laughing just by playing with "stinky socks"...
This was obviously before Tyce and Parker left for Utah but I got this off my dad's camera and thought it was too cute to not add. Grandma has spent lots of times reading stories and playing games with the boys...
Again, out of order, but this is Joshy and I at the Bounce House...
It's been wonderful having them here. My kids adore them and it's so nice to have the company and the help. They fly home tomorrow morning, we will all miss them so much. Luckily we're going to Utah and Oregon in July, something to look forward to. Parker and Tyce come home Tuesday night. I miss them so much! Anyways, sorry for all the pics but we were busy and I want to remember it! Thanks mom and dad for a FANTASTIC week!!! Love you both!!!
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