Today I am thankful for my siblings, all of them, even the ones who cheer for Utah football. :) I feel so blessed that I was able to grow up with two wonderful sisters who kept my life ever so entertaining. I also feel so blessed to have married into a family with even more wonderful siblings! Not only do I feel lucky to have them in my own life, but also in the lives of my kids. Jackson, Josh, and Tyce are so lucky to have such fun, loving, and involved aunts and uncles.
Here's Jason, my little sister Lindsay's husband. He is a very happy person and we're always laughing when he's around. He also treats Lindsay really good, he even caved and bought her a cat! Plus, he and his dad own the Great Harvest in Provo so he's always happy to give us some yummy bread and cinammon rolls!!!

Ok so this may not be the best picture of Lindsay (you can see how beautiful she is in the above picture) but this best explains my feelings about my little sister. This was us saying goodbye at the airport when I moved out to the east coast. You can't see my face, but it looks much like Lindsay's, devastated. Linds and I were not close growing up but about 5 years ago we started getting really close. She is an amazing aunt to my boys and loves them as if they were her own. Linds is always there for me and we talk about 10 times a day. She knows pretty much everything going on in my life whether it's my bank account balance or Tyce's last poop!

This is my older sister Dana and her husband David (ok and their gorgeous kids). Dana and I were really close growing up and have more memories that only her and I share than I could ever even begin to explain. It's nice having another stay at home mom to talk to when my kids are driving me crazy. I miss them all so much!

This is the most recent picture I could find of Jackie and Tyler, they're on the far left. Jackie is Parker's younger sister and Tyler is her husband. Jackie is such a sweet person and someone I wish I could be more like. She is such a wonderful and devoted mom, caring and unselfish person, and she welcomed me right into the family. Her husband Tyler is just as awesome. He is SO friendly and happy and always willing to do anything for anyone anytime. He's also a great dad to Cole and Kate. They are such a happy couple with two adorable lucky kids!

Here's Parker's younger brother, Shane. Him and I certainly have had our differences but he's a great uncle to the boys and does bring a lot of spice to the Morrill family. Jack and Josh love him so much and think he's so fun. Jackson one time said, "Shane is just like a daddy, just without the homework!" Well put Jack!

Auntie Kersteen, where do I begin? Jackson adores her and was attached to her hip the entire month she lived with us. She's a super fun aunt and was always willing to play with them no matter how tired she was or what was going on. Christine is a very unselfish person with her time, money, and energy and I love that about her. Her and I are very close and have a lot in common. We have a very open and close relationship that I really treasure. I'm hoping we can convince her to come live out here after she graduates!!!

Last but not least is Tegan, Parker's littlest sister. What more could the little ones want then an aunt who's only 11? They LOVE playing with her and call Grandma and Grandpa Morrill "the ones that have Tegan." Haha. I also love Tegan because when I first met Parker she was only 3 and she was SO cute and loved me right away, which made me feel at ease around his family. She is very accepting and loving and brings so much joy to the family!

There ya go! I bet everyone is now jealous because I have such awesome sisters, brothers in law, and sisters in law! I am thankful for my relationship with each of them and even more thankful for their love for my children. Love you all!!!
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