A couple days ago we made a chain counting down the days till my little sister comes to visit! The boys are very excited for her to come and taking a link off the chain every day is the highlight of their morning. Josh gets to take off the blue ones and Jackson does the brown ones.
Here's Josh this morning taking off a link..

Jack wanted to be in a picture too...

I am SO excited to have Linds come for a week! I miss her so much and know that the week will just fly by because we'll have so much fun. The boys are really excited too. Yesterday Josh says, "Mommy I will NOT be shy when Auntie Lindsay comes-because I already know her!" Jackson says, "I will run to Auntie Lindsay at the airport. I hope she puts her arms out for me. Sometimes daddy doesn't." Hahaha.
Tyce had his 15 month check up yesterday and he is a healthy big boy! He weighed 25 pounds and was in the 60% for weight. 95% for height. 75% for head. Looks like he'll be tall like his daddy and Jackson! Haha, I'm thinking he'll surpass Josh soon! I love my baby and he is growing up too fast!
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