Jack's new shirt (Sesame street characters playing baseball)..Doing flashcards with Christine, they now know their lower case letters as well!
Tycee has had a very very rough month, I'm assuming it was his teeth. Aside from his sore bum now, he's much happier as of the last two days, yay! But Christine sure didn't mind cuddling this guy...
Christine had her 21st birthday here because some of her flaky friends bailed on her so we tried to make it as special as we could...
Dairy Queen strawberry Golden Oreo ice cream cake...if you know me or Christine at all...you know that Golden Oreos are our FAV!!! It was delicious...
Jackson being silly...
The boys got two presents from Christine, they each got a shirt from H&M...
And they each got a homemade shirt for their 4th birthday (they get to wear them when they turn 4)...
Here's the back of Jack's, the front is at the top...I don't know why it won't let me move pics around anymore?
Josh's has animals playing baseball...
Last night they had their last sleepover, sounds like it was the highlight of Christine's trip because they were so cute...
We love you Christine and are so glad you came! Highlights of your time here were:
*Your sweat smelling like cheeseburgers until I introduced you to deoderant
*You losing your debit card, then finding it at the bottom of a bag of Tyce's poopy diaper
*You dropping your cell phone under my car at the airport and not realizing it
*You waiting for a month for a package that never came
*Our daily workouts and you flirting with tongue ring Mike (haha, EW!)
*You making me omlettes and tuna
*You watching my kids while I showered alone, in peace
*Our girls day out at KINGS DOMINION
*Your moodiness when we went out to Logan's Roadhouse
*You getting disappointed every time I'd text you
*You constantly looking for your DANG Smart Water Bottle!!!Love you sis!!!
P.S. Christine texted me last night and it meant a lot to me so I thought I'd document it...
"So...I'm sitting on my flight and thoughts are just flowing to me and I need to get it all down before it goes. First of all-Jenn, you're an AMAZING mom. From being able to spend these last 29 days with you I cannot believe how much patience, love, work, encouragement, time, you put into all three of my nephews. I have learned so much from watching your example that I will forever cherish and be able to use later in life. Thank you for that.
Second of all-I want you to know you are one of my best friends and I am grateful I have the chance to be able to have you there to talk to, laugh with, help out, be around, get advice I need from, anything. You truly have turned into one of my best friends aside from a sister. Thank you for that.
Third of all-from watching you and Parker and how you love eachother it's influenced me as much as to do everything I can do now to find my eternal companion caust I want to have my Parker and eternal love just like you someday. Thanks for loving my brother the way you do.
Fourth of all-I miss the heck out of you and Parker and the boys so much right now. I think coming there was such a good decision (well obviously or else I wouldn't have wrote you this book as soon as I leave, haha). I'm so glad I spent this month with you and I'm sorry if I was in the way! I love you! I'm sorry this is so long but I had to tell you how I really feel."
I'm not sure I'm deserving of all that, but it meant the world to me. Anyways, thanks again for coming sis!!!
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