After ice cream we came home and the boys got their big present...BIG BOY BIKES FROM GRANDMA AND GRANDPA BARRACLOUGH! Parker and I got them helmets, knee pads ("kneeding pads), elbow pads, and gloves which they were almost equally as excited about, haha. We took them out and they actually did really well, only a couple little falls. The problem is that it is SO dang HOT and HUMID out here we can only be out for so long! Have I mentioned lately how much I hate summers out here? Anyways here are some pics of the boys on their bikes...

After bike riding we opened other presents, they love these books from Grandma and Grandpa Barraclough...


They got big boy baseball bats which they were super excited about...

So my Grandma Bybee sent them each a card with $20 in it. Usually they could care less about money but Jackson was SO excited to get "tickets." Haha, all day he walked around with his tickets. Cracked me up.

Then we took them to a park so they could ride their bikes on the trail and play baseball. Auntie Lindsay got them a T set so they had a T and bases and they had the whole diamond to themselves. It was too cute watching my dad pitch to them and watching them run the bases. Suddenly, they were so grown up...

This is how Josh would stand at every base, hand on hips and tongue sticking out...

Then we came home and did the cake, rather quickly because they were so tired...

I had planned on getting a Spiderman ice cream cake from Baskin Robins but I decided it just wasn't worth the money. They get excited for a minute then it's over and I paid $30, haha. Also, they each ate about 2 bites of their cake anyway. SO...we did rainbow chip cake...

Where was Tyce? He was busy pulling apart all the crepe paper...

Not the best picture but it's all we got...

It was a fun celebration and I'm SO glad my parents were here to share it with us. I can't believe my twins are 4, it really does seem like yesterday they were 3 pounds in my arms hooked up to all sorts of machines. I remember wondering if they would grow to be healthy and normal...and I am so blessed that they did. They had their 4 year check yesterday and all went well. Jackson's height is in the 85% and his weight is in the 75%. Josh's height is in the 10% and his weight is in the 50%. I will do individual posts on them later. Next up: my DAD'S birthday! June is a crazy month!
In other news, I started the Live the Life diet today. My little sister and I are doing it together. It's a 12 week nutrition/workout plan that I'm excited about but I know it will be a challenge. No sugar for the first four weeks and if you know me at ALL, you know that will be the hardest thing in the world for me. Anyways, I am going to do updates on my progress every Monday! Wish me luck!
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