Yesterday we took the boys bowling and had a lot of fun. Josh has been SO excited to go, he jumps up and down, claps his hands, and says "I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO GO BOWLING!" every time we mentioned it. Haha, he's so cute.
Here they are in their cute bowling shoes...

Jack getting ready to roll his ball...

Cute pic of Josh, don't mind the ghost of Jackson behind him (my camera sucks)...

Josh would jump up and down and give everyone hi fives every time he got any pins down...


Hot mama Christine getting ready to bowl..

Daddy and Josh...

Josh would put his ball down to put his finger in it, haha...

Blurry but cute...

What happened to Jackson? He decided to hit Joshy and not say sorry so he pouted the rest of the game. We told him no more bowling because of how he was acting so Josh got to bowl all his frames. Here he is---mad that I'm taking a picture of him pouting, haha...

It was a fun day as a family. Today I gave a talk in church on fatherhood and the priesthood. It went well and it was nice to not have to wrestle the boys all through sacrament meeting. Tomorrow Parker has the day off so I think we'll head to the gym then head to the pool! Yay! I want to get some color! Then I think we'll head over to a friend's BBQ! More to come!
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