He takes two naps a day and goes down easy for them, which is nice. He usually sleeps through the night but lately he is teething so he is grouchy and having a hard time sleeping at night. No fun!
He still army crawls all around the house. In fact, I think he'll be like Parker and just army crawl then walk. He doesn't seem very interested in crawling on his hands and knees. I think part of it is that we have hard wood floors and they hurt his knees. because I see him crawling around in his crib which is soft. He LOVES to stand, it's his favorite thing to do. He's getting more stable and takes a few steps with us holding his hands.
He is still a pretty happy little guy, but I think he'll be happier when he can walk. He really wants to play with his brothers. He ADORES them. His face literally lights up when he sees them or when he hears their voices. He will just watch them and be totally entertained. He also loves his daddy and loves when Parker throws him in the air. He loves to have his tummy tickled and loves peekaboo. He is constantly babbling, which I love. He is friendly to anyone that will hold him.
Well, I think that's about it! I'm not sure how big he is but his 9 month check up is next month so I'll update then.
Here he is pushing the shopping cart, one of his new favorite things to do...
I love my Tyce!!!
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