My dad had a conference out in DC on Tuesday and Wednesday so he came home on the train with Parker on Wednesday night and stayed until this afternoon! It was super fun having him here and the boys were literally in heaven as Grandpa played with them 24/7. Something tells me he will sleep well on his long flight (in first class) home to Oregon. It was sad saying goodbye but him and my mom are coming in June for the twins' birthday! Yay! THANKS FOR COMING PA! WE ALL LOVE YOU!!! Now I've got to wash the sheets to get ready for my grandparents on Monday! =)
Jack Jack Jack, he has this new obsession with putting his hands down his pants and underwear. It's disgusting and I hate it. At least in this picture he has his hands on the SIDE (which is not usually where they are!)...

Jackson HATES to have even a drop of water on him. Last night when he was getting his drink before bed apparently a drop of water got on his sock and pants. SO...this is what he put on, haha...

I grabbed the camera to take a picture of the twins and Tyce crawls over to me and does this face, so, naturally, I HAD to take a picture of him as well...

They spent a lot of time having Grandpa draw silly pictures on their Magna Doodles for them...

Joshy in a homemade "diaper"...

Jackson in a classic Grandpa "hot dog"...

They loved playing "Ned's Head" (this gross game where you draw a card then have to find whatever is on the card inside Ned's Head just by feeling. Inside are things like spiders, q-tips, dirty diapers, a tooth, a frog, throw up, etc) with Grandpa too...

Why are they in their underwear? Who knows...


It was a fun fast couple of days but, hey, we'll take what we can get!!!
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