Wednesday night Tyce and I flew to Utah for my little sister's graduation from BYU! She got her Master's in Accounting and I am so proud of her! Tyce was an angel on the plane...played super cute the first leg to Chicago and slept the whole way to Utah. We stayed at my sister's house Wednesday night then met my mother in law Thursday afternoon so she could take Tyce for two days! I didn't want to make him sit through 4 hours of graduation ceremonies. Sounds like Morrills had lots of fun with him and I KNOW he was spoiled by Grandma, Grandpa, and Tegan! He could've cared less to see me when we went to pick him up on Saturday, haha, which is fine! THANKS mom for taking him off my hands for a few days! You better have some cute pics to post on YOUR blog soon! =)
Thursday was the big BYU graduation which was nice. That night Jason made homemade pizzas and we just hung out. Friday was her Business school graduation which was LONG but nice.
Lindsay and I before the ceremony...

One of the highlights of my trip was getting to see TARA!!! She has been my long time best friend since I was about four years old and she came from Boise for one day just to see me! And support Linds of course. =) It was way too short for us, we could easily talk for a week straight. Hopefully she can come visit me this summer!?

My little grad...

Lindsay and Jason...

My aunt Denae graduated from BYU as well that day so we had lots of family there to support her and Lindsay!

My proud parents with their last graduate...

Friday night we had a wonderful dinner at Ruby River. Linds got some great gifts, this is what Jason got her for her diploma and tassle...

Saturday we went and picked up Tyce from Morrills then went to Salt Lake to hang out at the condo with my grandparents. Tyce was an angel all day and night and here he is with his great grandma Bybee!

Tyler, Jackie, and Cole stopped by the condo to say hi which was SOOO fun. It was so good to see them! Jackie is 8 months pregnant and looks great. Cole was adorable with Tyce. He kept saying, "lap lap" because he wanted Tyce to sit on his lap. He showered him with hugs and kisses. He was such a good cousin and will be such a good big brother soon!

Is it bad that the pregnant girl looks better than the not pregnant girl? Haha...

Saturday night my grandparents rented a room at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in downtown Salt Lake for my aunt's graduation dinner. After that, I gave Grandma her 75th birthday present from me and the cousins. I put together a "Book of Memories" for her from all (but one) of her grandchildren. It turned out so cute and I know she'll treasure it forever.

Sunday afternoon my parents took me to the airport 3am...we were home safe and sound! Ah it was a LONG day/night! Our plane kept getting delayed. Poor Tyce was beyond exhausted but was an absolute angel. Literally didn't cry once. I'm lucky to have such a good natured little boy. He slept till noon today and woke up SO excited to see his brothers. They've been playing so cute together.
Where were the twins you ask? Thursday some wonderful people from the ward babysat them while Parker worked and then Friday Parker stayed home with them. They went swimming, got the car done, and took Jack to the doctor (more ear problems, poor guy). Saturday Uncle Shanee came down (he's living in Baltimore for the summer) and they went to a Nationals game, out to dinner, and got nerf guns-which they love! Sunday they went to church and had my yummy lasagna that I left for them. Sounds like they had lots of fun without me and thanks to my honey for letting me go, taking care of the twins, and for keeping the house clean (he even did the twins' laundry and washed our sheets!).
It was a wonderful week, but hard to leave everyone. The good news? MY DAD COMES IN TWO DAYS! THEN MY GRANDPARENTS AND AUNT COME THE NEXT WEEK! THEN CHRISTINE COMES THE NEXT WEEK! YAY!!! I love visitors! Keep them coming! =)