The boys have been begging lately to go camping, I think they're having withdrawls from living in Neola last summer(which was little boy heaven!). Parker had the great idea of having a campout downstairs in the basement tonight! We borrowed a tent from our good friends and now they are all down there having fun! I was in charge of dinner, dishes, and Tyceroo but now that all that is done...I'm a free woman tonight! But I keep popping my head down there to take pictures and hear the cute things they say.
Earlier this afternoon I was in the other room and I hear the boys getting grocery sacks out of the cupboard and putting stuff in them. I was annoyed, more messes for me to clean up, but just ignored them. A little bit later I walk into the kitchen to see this....

They had gone "grocery shopping" all over the house to get things for their campout. It was so cute. It's funny because whenever Parker would take them camping over the summer they would always go to the grocery store first and get hot dogs, drinks, etc so they were totally copying that. It was also funny how they put their "groceries" exactly where I put mine when I go to the store, haha. They collected movies, toys, stuffed animals, treats, you name it. They were also really excited to eat their valentine's marshmallows my parents gave them in the tent.
Ok so I can't get these pictures to move to the bottom SO, you'll have to look at a few pics of Tyce before the camping story can continue, sorry!
Tyce is teething and is very very fussy. But, I did manage to get some smiles out of him (why his nose is orange is beyond me)...

Roasting marshmallows, Jack was bummed they didn't actually roast-dang gas fireplaces! Haha...

Here they are "helping" daddy set up the tent...

Here they all are in their tent, watching Ice Age...

The camping crew, with their marshmallows and strawberry milk (Dr. Pepper for Parker)...

Joshy and his flashlight, he told me this elaborate story about how he saw a bear, and "grrrr'd" at it and it "grrr'd" back so he ran inside, got his red bat, and HIT him with it, then he left...

Jack and his marshmallows...

The boys are so lucky to have such a fun daddy. He leaves next week for the "Manly Man Retreat" (aka my dad and two brothers in law). They are going to Idaho to go snow skiing for 5 days. We'll miss him so much but know that he will have lots of fun!
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