Every night after the boys have calmed down and are ready to go to sleep Jackson calls for Parker to come up there and give him a drink, tuck him in, put his Thomas blankie on him, etc. When Parker goes in their room what does he hear? "Daddy, cuuuddle me for lots of times." It is SO cute and SO impossible to say no to! So Parker, of course, lays down next to him and Jack wraps his little arms around Parker's neck and pulls him in close telling him he can't go. It is adorable. I try not to get jealous that Jackson steals my cuddle time with daddy, because I know these days won't last forever so we're trying to enjoy the moments.
Last night I finally grabbed a picture of the cuteness...

Jackson just adores his daddy, I love it...

On a different note, Tyceroo is doing good. He is sitting up so well and he loves it! Actually the past couple days he's been getting in the crawling position and rocking back and forth! Please no, I'm not ready to have him crawling around...goodbye freedom! Haha. He is still up a lot at night. He only eats once but he fusses for his binky about 2-3 times a night. We are TIRED and FRUSTRATED, needless to say. Lucky for him, he's cute and SO happy so we still love him. =) Next week is his SIX MONTH appointment, crazy, so I'll update more on him after that.
Here he is sitting up this morning...

Josh had just woken up, "Mommy, I'm too tired to do my best cute smile-but I'll try for your blog." HAHAHAHA...

Josh is such a good big brother, he absolutely LOVES to play with Tyce and Tyce's face literally lights up every time he sees Josh...

This morning Jack runs into my room and says, "Mommy you HAVE to come see what I did!" I go into his room and he stands by his bed so proud..."I MADE MY BED SO GOOD!" Haha, I was proud of him and appreciate his efforts to make mommy's life easier...(and no mom, he did not MIDER (spelling?) the corners!)

Things are going well for our family. Other than Parker and I being tired all the time we are all happy. We are always meeting new people and making new friends which makes everything so much better. Parker's job is going well and he's looking forward to March when he goes on the "Manly Man Retreat" to McCall, ID to go snowskiing/snowboarding with my dad and two brothers in law. Don't worry, us girls will get our fun too but it's not till AUGUST...so far away but that's good because I've got to get skinny since we'll be laying by the pool all week! Anyways...that's the latest! Oh, and MY PARENTS COME TO VISIT IN 16 DAYS!!! YAY!!!
Oh, and there's a new video on the bottom of my blog. It's hard to hear but Tyce was fussing so Jackson laid beside him and sang him primary songs and was rubbing his back and head which is exactly what Parker and I do to the twins to help them sleep...it was so cute.
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