The boys got these adorable camo baby dolls from Auntie Christine for Christmas. Unfortunately, we could not fit them in our luggage coming back so my mother in law had to ship them and they just came in the mail was like Christmas all over again! The boys were SO excited! They have been the best little "mommys" taking care of them. They sleep with them, eat with them, and carry them around kissing their foreheads. It is so precious. They treat him just like I treat Tyce. Jackson threw a fit this morning because I would not let him give his baby real oatmeal like Tyce was eating, haha. Last night Josh kept taking off his baby's clothes to "check if he was poopy" but couldn't get his clothes back on so he got mad, haha.
Here are the dolls, pretty life like looking huh?

Cute Jack taking care of his baby...
I love watching them play make believe, this has been my favorite age for sure. They are so innocent and adorable yet can still do most things on their own. I love my boys!!!
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