So here I am in Oregon with my sisters for my dad's birthday trying to enjoy some MUCH NEEDED time away from the kids and what do I do? Look at the adorable pics Parker put on Facebook of the boys and now I miss them! I thought I'd steal some of his pics and do a little post on how much fun they're having. I miss them but it sounds like they're doing JUST FINE without mommy around! They sure love their daddy and I'm so lucky to have a husband who is willing to take care of them for four days to give me a break. Have fun boys, but mommy is coming home in two days!!!
I have the camera so Parker took these with his phone...
Climbing the same big rock Parker did as a kid...

Here is Joshy with Morrill's new puppy, apparently he loves her...

Parker took the boys up to the cabin for a night, sounds like they just loved it...

Cute little guys...

Apparently they loved touching all the worms on the road...

So while Parker was in watching a movie the boys got into some water, got wet, decided to take off their bottoms and just jump on the tramp bottomless, hahaha, sorry mom!

So this made me want to come home right away, my little baby climbing a big high fence...

Throwing rocks, they could do it for hours. Apparently Josh likes to throw them under his leg...

Pig noses against the screen door on the cabin...

Roasting marshmallows...

I love seeing how happy they are with their daddy, but I do kinda wish they missed me even a LITTLE bit! Haha, oh well, that's just part of being a mom I guess. Anyways, I'm loving it here in Oregon and will post on my trip when I get back. I know you're all just on the edge of your seats waiting! =)
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