Ok so their ACTUAL birthday is the 13th but since I'll be out of town that weekend we decided to celebrate the boys' birthday this weekend! I can't believe my twins are THREE! I can say I have survived the first year (nursing two, night feedings for two, diapers for two, crying for two) and I have survived the second year (terrible twos times two!). Now it's all going to be easy right!? Haha. Jackson and Josh were SO excited this year about turning three and about having a party. I think I may have been more excited though. I just love spoiling my boys and seeing them so happy! We were lucky enough to have lots of family come-all the Morrills came, except Shane unfortunately, and Lindsay and Jason came! We were really excited to see them because we haven't seen them in over a month! That's an eternity for me not to see my little sister and for the boys not to see their Auntie Lindsay! Not surprisingly, they love her and Jason just as much if not more now! When we were singing Happy Birthday to them it almost brought tears to my eyes hearing so many voices of those that love Jack and Josh so much-they are two LUCKY boys! Thanks everyone for coming, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY LITTLE ANGELS! I LOVE YOU!!! (I'll do individual postings on them and their little personalities soon)...
They woke up to the house decorated which they thought was SO cool, "daddy my BIRTHDAY CAME!" Thanks to Tara and Christine for helping me decorate at 1am! =)

Christine had the idea of having them run through this so they can "turn 3." The boys thought it was so cool and did it about 10 times, haha. Don't mind the fact that they're both grabbing themselves..

They loved having their chairs decorated, Jack, of course, loved the pink balloon!

Jackson took this picture...

Josh took this one...

Ok so we gave them one present early, they loved their train tracks...

Ok look at this haul of presents! Like Parker's wrapping job on the big one? Haha, good job honey!

Cute little posers...

Cute how Jack wanted to read his card but Josh didn't, very different personalities these two...

Auntie Christine got them these cute sunglasses...

Book from Grandma Barraclough and bug catcher from Aunt Jackie and Uncle Tyler...

Gotta love the Thomas shirt...

Grandma and Grandpa Morrill got them a pool! I can't wait for it to heat up so we can jump on in!

Parker and I got them a basketball hoop and their own basketballs, they were SO excited..

Thomas the Train cake...

My sis and I, gosh I hate pics when I'm prego...

Did I mention how much they loved the basketball hoop???

We sang to each of them and it was so cute how they sang for eachother...

No mommy I didn't eat any cake...

Sorry about all the pics but Grandma and Grandpa Barraclough weren't able to be here and I know that was hard for them so hopefully this helps! This is the first of many posts to come...Lindsay and Jason spent the night last night so I've got more pics of last night and this morning with them. We also celebrated Christine's birthday yesterday before the boys so I've got a few pics of that. And LAST but NOT LEAST...today is me and Parker's 6th anniversary so I've got to post about that! However, Lindsay and Jason took the boys with them for the night so I am going to take advantage of that and take a much needed nap. Don't worry, many more posts to come... =)
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