Friday night Parker made reservations at a yummy restaurant in DC called The Hamilton. Denise and I drove up together to meet our husbands when they got off work. It's always fun to eat in the city, we just don't do it much because traffic is never fun and parking is so expensive!
Me and my man...
Our food was SO yummy! For the first time since I've moved out east I went to a restaurant that had HALIBUT! I love halibut and it was delicious. I also tried octopus for the first time! Chewy but tasty!
After dinner we walked around Tidal Basin and saw the beautiful cherry blossoms and monuments. It was a perfect night for walking. I forgot to take a pic but here is a pic Parker took the day before when he went for a run around Tidal Basin...
Shortly after we got home my dad sent me this pic of my mom hanging out with President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, the second counselor in the First Presidency. Apparently my whole family went to a fundraising dinner for the American Indian Association, of which my grandpa has always been a huge supporter.
I then found myself feeling sad, jealous, lonely, and frequently happens when I know my whole family is together without me. I love my family and hate that I miss out on so much. With my parents now having a home in Utah it seems they're always hanging out with my sisters and their families and I can't help but be jealous. I wonder daily why Heavenly Father put me out here...and I may never know. However, I then thought about the fun night we had just had. Troy and Denise are dear friends and we would never have met them if we lived in Utah. We enjoyed a yummy fancy restaurant, which are all over this area and much more limited in Utah. Then we were able to walk around the capitol of our country and see history and sights that some people live their whole lives never seeing. I realized that it is pretty cool to live out here and experience this side of the country. We hope to someday move closer to family but in the meantime I need to constantly remind myself of the blessings that come from living out here, namely Parker's great job, an awesome ward, and fantastic friends.
Saturday we packed a picnic lunch and headed to Prince William National Forest to do the hike we had wanted to do last weekend when Tyce was sick.
The hike was about 8 miles roundtrip so Parker decided to go park the car at the top, then hike down to us so the kids would only have to do the 4 miles. While we waited for him we played at the really fun park...
Then we were off!
Shortly into the hike we found a shallow creek and the boys were SO excited to play in it. We had brought their swimming suits and they probably could've spent the entire afternoon there throwing rocks and playing on the bridge...
Tyce showing his muscles...
Then we got dried off and continued on the was really pretty and we passed some cool historical buildings like the foundations of buildings from the early 1900s...
Towards the end we found some waterfalls the boys wanted to play in. Poor Tyce and Jack both fell in in their clothes but they were good sports about it and had fun sliding down the small waterfalls...
Tyce was seriously awesome, he is 3 years old and he hiked at least 2 of the 4 miles. He never complained or cried and was so happy and fun! Here we are taking a break from swimming...
After the hike I had planned on making dinner but it was already 6:30pm and the boys were starving so we just stopped by IHOP on our way home. We were all super hungry and ate a ton. While we were waiting for our food Tyce wrote his name by himself for the first time! I love his E! He loves learning and can't wait for preschool...

It was a fun and exhausting weekend, I love being outside when it's not blazin hot and humid...which it will be very soon I'm sure!
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