Friday, April 6, 2012

Spring Break Part 2

After lunch we headed out to Herndon to Woody's Golf to play this cool Perils of the Lost Jungle miniature golf course. It was a really fun place. It's an outdoor jungle safari theme and it's very entertaining and a little scary! The animatronics are pretty real!

Here they are waiting in the cage before we went in... In that box behind us was an "extinct wild animal" trying to get out...

First hole!See that box thing behind Parker? Poor Tyce walked by it right when the kimodo dragon comes out at you and makes a loud noise. He was so scared! This tomb was closed, Josh had to put his hand on this handprint thing and it opened. Once you hit your ball through you have to go in. Haha, the boys were such wusses and wouldn't go in without Parker and I. Once we all got in, the tomb doors shut tight which TERRIFIED Tyce, poor guy...This guy was such an angel. He was tired, scared, and a little bored but he was such a trooper...We had a great time and the boys loved that place and are already asking if we can go back so they can be "more brave." Hahaha. Josh was pretty good at golfing, only losing to Parker and I by three! Jack would kinda drag the ball instead of it hit so he had a pretty high score, haha but he had fun!

After golf we stopped at Nathan's for some yummy ice cream cones...

One more post to come because we colored easter eggs that night too!!

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