We had a fabulous time on our trip and are sad it's over already. For Christmas my parents paid for our whole family to meet up in McCall, Idaho for a week of fun in the snow! I was extra excited seeing as Virginia has decided to have no snow all winter! We flew in to Boise on Thursday then drove 2.5 hours to McCall. I had been to this house twice before but both times it was in the summer, it was so pretty in the winter!
Here is our view from the breakfast table...

It's right on a lake but the lake was obviously frozen over.
Friday morning we got up and headed to Brundage Ski Resort to go snow skiing! Everyone else in my family had been except me and my kids. My wonderful mom stayed home with Tyce so we could go spend the day learning to ski. We signed the twins up for a 3 hour kid's camp thing which was great. Josh caught on really fast but still got frustrated...

Jack had a harder time but was really a good sport about it...

I had an hour long lesson then was on my own! Here I am with my sis getting off the chair lift. I fell the first 5 times then never fell after that! Yay!

Dana and I...

Josh loved skiing, he would cruise down the bunny hill then hop back on the chair lift all by himself. He is so independent, he wanted to be left alone all day.

Josh and Grandpa getting off the chair lift...

Notice Jackson has no skis on? He wanted to take a break and just play in the huge piles of snow, haha...

Josh zooming down the hill...

Smiley guy on the chairlift...

Wonderful Parker spent the day helping his wife and sons instead of enjoying himself skiing on the big runs. We had fun riding the lift together though!

Jack was so cute on the lift, he was so talkative and so happy...

We had lots of fun skiing. I was sure sore the next day though! I caught on faster than I thought I would and I really really enjoyed it! Too bad it's not really a realistic hobby for where we live though. :( Stupid Virginia.
It was very interesting to watch the twins. Josh caught on fast but was still so grumpy because he wanted to be even better. He wanted to do everything on his own and did not want to be taught. Jackson took a little longer to catch on and never got as good as Josh yet he was so happy and wanted to learn. He wanted to go on the chairlift with Parker and I and he would chatter the whole time. On the second day we went skiing Jack wanted to go back home halfway through the day but Josh wanted to keep going. So indicative of their personalities. I fear Josh will be my more difficult teenager just because he is so stubborn and independent.
More posts to come of the rest of our week!!!
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