Jackson and Josh came home a couple weeks ago telling me:
"Mommy, we're doing a mathathon at school. It's to get money for kids who lose their hair because they're so sick. They take emotherapy but it costs lots of monies. Mrs. Fletcher says we can't just use all our piggy bank monies we need to ask our friends and family to donate monies. Anyone that's older than us can donate so, like, I have 1st grade friends so I can ask them. Who else can I ask mommy?"
Haha, I didn't understand what a mathathon was until I got the papers from school. The boys get a math book that they have to complete to get the donations. They love math and it's a good motivation for them to learn. They are super excited about getting the ugly t-shirt that you get if you get $35 (each) and a backpack if you get $75 (each). Normally I'm not big into fundraisers but they have brought it up to me every day. More so than the t-shirt and backpack, they're really concerned for these sick kids and really want to help them, which is precious.
Please take a look at their webpage and, if you can, give a donation.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012

This is my favorite quote and I wish more parents today would recognize the importance of their role as a father or a mother. I was talking to one of the moms at the twins basketball game the other day and I asked why her husband hadn't been to any of the games. She told me he liked to go to happy hour since he gets off early on Fridays, or he likes to go to Caps games, or he likes to relax at home. I was so saddened for her son who has never had his dad come to any of his games, not because he has to work or travel, but because he is choosing something else over his family. I looked over at Parker, or should I say Coach Parker, as he is trying to get ten five year olds to understand the concept of dribbling, passing, and shooting. I felt so proud of my husband. Parker is not a perfect father, but he tries his best. His priority is his family and always has been. I'm sure there have been many times when he has wanted to skip something with his kids and relax at home or go out with friends or go to a game, but more so he wants to be there for his sons because he recognizes the importance of the role of a father in the home. I truly believe that quote from President McKay. It doesn't matter how much success you have at work, school, in the community, etc if you fail at home. YOUR FAMILY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING. It is so sad to see the state of the family in our society today and I wish more men were like my husband. Jackson, Josh, and Tyce, YOU HAVE A LOVING, HARD WORKING, UNSELFISH, FUN, AND DEVOTED DADDY!
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Dress Up
Today we had two pirate/superhero/king/cowboy/knights fighting bad guys at my house... 
I seriously love how they will go into their dress up drawer and pull out everything they possibly can to put on. Cowboy boots, cowboy belts (to tuck their swords into), superhero capes, king clothes and crown, eye patch, pirate bandana, shields, and snow gloves. They play SO cute together, I wish I could follow them around with a video camera all day because their make believe play is hysterical and so creative. As much as I wanted girls, I have learned to love listening to two five year olds playing bad guys/good guys. I love my boys so much!!!
I seriously love how they will go into their dress up drawer and pull out everything they possibly can to put on. Cowboy boots, cowboy belts (to tuck their swords into), superhero capes, king clothes and crown, eye patch, pirate bandana, shields, and snow gloves. They play SO cute together, I wish I could follow them around with a video camera all day because their make believe play is hysterical and so creative. As much as I wanted girls, I have learned to love listening to two five year olds playing bad guys/good guys. I love my boys so much!!!
Friday, February 24, 2012
The Warriors
Since I didn't want to pay the extra money for a digital copy of the twins basketball team pictures I had one of the moms email me some she took from her camera while the photographer was taking them (I was at a baby shower so I wasn't there). Here's the WARRIORS...
From the top left: Coach RV, Lexi, Jahan, Museen, Jackson, Coach Parker
From the bottom left: Muzemmel, Josh, Sean, Kathryn, and Braxton

From the bottom left: Muzemmel, Josh, Sean, Kathryn, and Braxton
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Happy Valentine's Day
Here are the kids waiting to open their surprises from Grandma Morrill, they LOVE getting packages in the mail...
When they got home from school I had set up a scavenger hunt for them to find their valentines surprises. I told them they had to read the clues themselves and there were some big words! They were SO cute and read every word! I was quite impressed. Next year I'll have to make it harder. Here they are reading their clues... (oh, by the way, it was the 100th day of school so that's why Jack is wearing a 100 hat)

They found them!

That night I had church meetings, when I came home there was a heart on the garage door telling me that the valentine cleaning fairy had come to visit. I was then led on a series of clues showing me all the places that had been cleaned. The final clue led me to my room, where Parker was waiting with a eucalyptus bubble bath ready for me, followed by a back scratch (my favorite thing). I was so excited and so appreciate him cleaning pretty much the whole house for me. He knew I'd be stressed cleaning today because my dad is coming for the weekend and so it was the perfect gift. :) I love you babe!!!
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Muddy Carpet
The other day the boys were playing outside and forgot to check their shoes before coming in the house. I looked downstairs and saw this...
The muddy footprints went all the way up the next two flights of stairs. I was so mad and so overwhelmed by how much work it would be to scrub it clean that I just started crying. I didn't yell at the boys, it was an accident. After almost an hour of scrubbing it actually started to look worse so I gave up and went upstairs to call Stanely Steemer to come clean them. Here is the finished product...
The cute thing was that while I was downstairs scrubbing the carpet the twins each made me a card. Here is Jackson's...
Here is Josh's...
It was so sweet and thoughtful, I just couldn't possibly get mad. I did talk to them about checking their shoes before coming in but they felt bad enough I didn't need to say anything more. I told Jackson it was going to cost me $100 to clean up their mess, to which he replied "well then you better drive slow so you don't also have to give the policeman $100!" Hahaha, apparently Parker's ticket is still fresh in their minds. Hilarious, but he's sure right!

It was so sweet and thoughtful, I just couldn't possibly get mad. I did talk to them about checking their shoes before coming in but they felt bad enough I didn't need to say anything more. I told Jackson it was going to cost me $100 to clean up their mess, to which he replied "well then you better drive slow so you don't also have to give the policeman $100!" Hahaha, apparently Parker's ticket is still fresh in their minds. Hilarious, but he's sure right!
Monday, February 13, 2012
NBA Bound
Jackson and Josh are really enjoying playing basketball this year. Parker is their coach and they have practice and games every Friday night. They have nine kids on their team and they are the Warriors!!!
Here are some pics from their game last Friday. Josh is in the red shorts and Jackson is wearing blue shorts...
Here are some pics from their game last Friday. Josh is in the red shorts and Jackson is wearing blue shorts...
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Mommy and Jack Go Shopping
Today I took Jackson to the mall because he needed a new pair of jeans. I LOVE time alone with Jackson. He is such a special boy and I love being able to give him my undivided attention. We pulled into the parking lot:
Me: "Jack maybe you can pick out a new shirt today!"
Jackson: "Hmm...mommy, Josh isn't here and he would be so sad if he didn't get one. Do you think I could pick one out for him too please?"
I love that his very first thought was about his brother. SO sweet and thoughtful. So we proceed to JC Penney where we quickly find jeans (he's a size 7 slim now!) then he starts looking for a shirt. THIS is where I could see he is definitely PARKER'S SON! He found this ugly dinosaur shirt there for $12. He said he wanted to keep looking though. We then went to H&M where he found an ugly super hero shirt for $5. Then we went to Target where he found an even uglier super hero shirt for $9. Ah, the joys of boys clothes. Anyways, I told him he could choose whichever one he wanted (however, I made it clear these will be shirts that they wear only when we are home and in our cozy clothes, haha). He stood in Target for about half an hour talking to himself and trying to decide which shirt to get. That is so Parker, so indecisive and analyzes every choice. Not me, I'm quick and decisive. Then he asks me:
Jackson: "Mommy, how much monies are all the shirts?"
Me: "$12, $5, and $9."
Jackson: "Well, I really like this one, but do you have $9?"
Me: "Yes, I have $9, but that's all."
Jackson: "Gosh, I really don't want to take all your money mommy! And then will Joshy not get one?"
Me: "Honey, I think I have $9 for each of you."
His face lit up and he FINALLY decided on an ugly gray superhero shirt for him and an ugly blue superhero shirt for Josh.
When we passed the photo booth I just couldn't say no to my sweet boy so we got some silly pictures taken together....
Jackson picked the layout, because "it already says I love you at the top, just like I love you mommy!"
I love love love my sweet boy. He is such a thoughtful, sensitive, loving boy. He held my hand all through the mall and never stopped talking.
On the way home our conversation was:
Jackson: "Mommy, how do boy chickens know if the other chickens are boys or girls?"
Me: "Umm...just like you know if someone is a boy or girl!"
Jackson: "Well, its easy with people because boys have short hair and girls have long hair."
Me: "Well, I think they just know honey, they can sense it."
Jackson: "What does that mean?"
Me: "Maybe you'll have to ask daddy."
Haha, I love the way his mind works.
Can I freeze time? I LOVE AGE 5!!!
Me: "Jack maybe you can pick out a new shirt today!"
Jackson: "Hmm...mommy, Josh isn't here and he would be so sad if he didn't get one. Do you think I could pick one out for him too please?"
I love that his very first thought was about his brother. SO sweet and thoughtful. So we proceed to JC Penney where we quickly find jeans (he's a size 7 slim now!) then he starts looking for a shirt. THIS is where I could see he is definitely PARKER'S SON! He found this ugly dinosaur shirt there for $12. He said he wanted to keep looking though. We then went to H&M where he found an ugly super hero shirt for $5. Then we went to Target where he found an even uglier super hero shirt for $9. Ah, the joys of boys clothes. Anyways, I told him he could choose whichever one he wanted (however, I made it clear these will be shirts that they wear only when we are home and in our cozy clothes, haha). He stood in Target for about half an hour talking to himself and trying to decide which shirt to get. That is so Parker, so indecisive and analyzes every choice. Not me, I'm quick and decisive. Then he asks me:
Jackson: "Mommy, how much monies are all the shirts?"
Me: "$12, $5, and $9."
Jackson: "Well, I really like this one, but do you have $9?"
Me: "Yes, I have $9, but that's all."
Jackson: "Gosh, I really don't want to take all your money mommy! And then will Joshy not get one?"
Me: "Honey, I think I have $9 for each of you."
His face lit up and he FINALLY decided on an ugly gray superhero shirt for him and an ugly blue superhero shirt for Josh.
When we passed the photo booth I just couldn't say no to my sweet boy so we got some silly pictures taken together....
I love love love my sweet boy. He is such a thoughtful, sensitive, loving boy. He held my hand all through the mall and never stopped talking.
On the way home our conversation was:
Jackson: "Mommy, how do boy chickens know if the other chickens are boys or girls?"
Me: "Umm...just like you know if someone is a boy or girl!"
Jackson: "Well, its easy with people because boys have short hair and girls have long hair."
Me: "Well, I think they just know honey, they can sense it."
Jackson: "What does that mean?"
Me: "Maybe you'll have to ask daddy."
Haha, I love the way his mind works.
Can I freeze time? I LOVE AGE 5!!!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Time To Go Home
Thursday morning we got up, got all packed up, and left McCall. I think all of us had mixed feelings about leaving. The trip was so fun and thinking about going back to real life was less than exciting, but then again, it's always good to be home. Before we went home we spent one night at my friend Tara's house in Boise. Her and I have been best friends since we were five but we never live in the same city so we take time to see eachother when we can. Linds and Jason dropped us off and we had to say goodbye, which was so hard. I hate not knowing when I will see precious baby Luke again! Luckily, I will see all the adults in July when we go back to McCall for a week in the sun with no kids!!! Anyways, Tara and I had lots to talk about and it was so good to see her...
The boys had fun playing with Sophie...
Friday afternoon Tara dropped us off at the airport. By this point we were all very excited to go home. The kids were angels on the plane, just perfect. They are such good travellers. They've got the airport security thing down and are such troopers carrying their very heavy backpacks. I got lots of compliments on all 4 of our plane rides this trip on how cute my boys were and how well behaved they were. I was so proud. :)
This is their favorite part, riding the train at Dulles...
Waiting outside for Traci to come pick us up! It was 11pm and Parker and I were thoroughly exhausted from a day of travelling but the kids were happy as can be! We all slept till 11 the next morning which was so nice!

It's taken about a week to get the kids back on East Coast time. They've had a hard time getting to bed on time and waking up on time. We already miss everybody but were grateful for the fun week we had. Thanks a million mom and dad!!!!
Next visitor: my dad!! He's coming to DC for meetings next week and is going to spend a couple days with us! Yay!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Fun in the Snow
We spent a lot of time playing in the snow just outside the house...
The first day the guys made a sledding ramp going down the driveway and then up that little jump next to Josh...
Throwing snowballs at daddy...
Grandpa and his boys...
Jackson jumping off the dock into a pile of snow...
Josh deep in thought...
Grandpa, Tyce, Abbi, Livi, and David...
Joshy jumping into the snow...
I wanted a picture of all three boys in front of the statue of liberty but Josh wouldn't cooperate...
Josh, Livi, and Jack jumping...
I love Josh's face in this picture as he's about to hit Livi with a snowball...
Jackson snow shoeing on the lake...
The snow plows ruined the driveway sledding ramp so the guys got to work on one in the backyard...
My mom even took a turn going down!

Lindsay sledding...
And Jason totally biffing it...
Josh got a face full of snow on one of his falls...
Tyce is on my lap while I am doing this and he is just loving looking at the pictures and telling me all about the trip. We had so much fun! One more short post to come, then I'll be done!
The first day the guys made a sledding ramp going down the driveway and then up that little jump next to Josh...
Tyce is on my lap while I am doing this and he is just loving looking at the pictures and telling me all about the trip. We had so much fun! One more short post to come, then I'll be done!
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