Yes, my twins are in kindergarten. My twins that were 9 weeks preemie, 3 pounds, so tiny and fragile...they're now leaving me for 8 hours a day to go off to school. I cannot believe the time has come. I haven't really been looking forward to it, I love having them home with me. But they were ready and very very excited.
We decided to start a family tradition of rootbeer floats the night before the first day of school. Parker also gave them each a father's blessing which made me cry for about 2 hours. Here they are eating their floats...

Our school district did something kind of unique that I LOVED. On the first day of school, moms and dads got to come on the bus with the kindergartners, hang out in the classroom for an hour, have cookies and milk, then take the bus home together. Parker took the day off and my friend Kimberly watched Tyce so we were able to really focus on Jackson and Josh. Here they are before we dropped off Tyce and walked to the bus stop...

Best buds ready to head off to school!

My adorable blondie...

My sweet dimples...

Waiting for the bus, I was bummed it was raining but the boys were SO excited to use their new umbrellas...

Parker and I haven't been on a school bus since high school sports, it was so weird...

He was so precious on the bus...

Daddy and Jackson sorting through his supplies...

My kindergartners!!!

Jackson with his tray of cookies and milk...

Josh was so careful carrying his tray, so cute...

Working on a puzzle with their teacher, Mrs. Fletcher...

Cute guys in front of the classroom...

After we got home from school we took the twins to Chuck E Cheese and Dairy Queen, yes we totally spoiled them but it's our last day to do so for a while! I will post cute pics of that in the next post.
So today was the first day of school for them to go alone. It was hard to see them go but comforting to know what awaits them at school and also comforting to know they have eachother, they will never be alone. Here they are climbing onto the bus...

Tyce was so cute waving goodbye to them. "Jack Josh go bus, my go back home, have oatmeal, go to playplace, see Akey (his best friend Jake)." Haha, so cute! Then I dropped Parker off at the train station and headed home! While I did dishes Tyce entertained himself builing this...

Today went pretty fast because I had Leah and Sarah so I didn't have too much time to think about how much I missed my boys. But 3:30 could not come fast enough! Here they are getting off the bus...

They told me they had a good day and made a friend named Brooke. They are definitely tired. They came home and watched half an hour of cartoons, played trucks, rode their bikes, now we're going to do dinner and bedtime. I am so proud of them and love watching my babies grow up into strong, healthy, happy, smart, loving boys!
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