Cute family pic...
It was a fun night and we appreciated the Marley's letting us celebrate there. Tyce is becoming SUCH a cutie pie! I love this age when they can finally start communicating. He is talking so well, he repeats everything we say. My favorite phrase of his is, "I LOVE YOU MUCH!" He said that to my mom and dad a lot in Oregon and they loved it. He is becoming happier and more independent. He is still a great sleeper and terrible eater. He is pretty big for his age so I'm interested to see what his stats are when he goes in for his 2 year check on Friday. He loves his brothers and always wants to do what they're doing. He loves his mommy and daddy and whenever I'm not smiling or talking he asks, "mommy sad?" then he gives me loves. I'm sad he's growing up so fast but I also look forward to all that age 2 has to offer! I LOVE YOU TYCE!!!
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