So nothing exciting is going on here so I thought I'd just post a typical morning in the Morrill household. Not because it's particularly exciting but because, 30 years from now when my house is quiet and the kids are gone and I am reading my blog book, it will remind me of this time in my life.
The kids wake up around 7:30am. Tyce sometimes wakes up earlier but sits in his crib and talks and plays. It's so cute to listen to. He'll sit in there for an hour perfectly happy. We do tubs first thing. Tyce loves to get naked, put his jammies in the laundry basket, go pet Brody, then run to the tub...

They love mommy's tub because it's big...

Josh makes his bed every morning...

While they're playing in the tub I fold laundry, get their clothes laid out for the day, and get myself ready to go to the gym...

Then we get dressed and go down for breakfast. They usually get to watch one 30 minute cartoon while they eat..

Breakfast consists of juice, cereal or oatmeal, and 1/3 banana. If they eat fast they sometimes get sugared cereal for a treat...

Tyce always brings the boys their backpacks, it's cute he knows which one goes to which brother...

Then we go upstairs to brush teeth. They brush their own in the mornings, I do it at night...

Then we run out the door for preschool at 9am!

I do miss our leisurely mornings before preschool where we would just lounge around until about 11am when we would head to the gym. However, this is good to get me up and going. Plus, Josh and Jackson absolutely LOVE preschool! It is the highlight of their day. Sorry if this is a boring post but, like I said, I want to remember this time of my life. :)
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