We celebrated Parker's 31st birthday today because on his actual birthday (Tuesday the 26th) he has to work all day and I have Young Women in Excellence that night so we thought today would be a good day. He spent about five hours shopping with his birthday money (thanks to everyone who thought of him!) while I stayed home with the kids. He came back with some nice stuff and even had some money left over! I think we'll have to go out to a nice dinner sometime when we can find a sitter. :) Then we went to...CHUCK E CHEESE! Haha, yes that was his request for his special day. I guess that showed me two things. First off, he's still a kid at heart. Second off, he's a very unselfish daddy who knew that taking the boys to Chuck E Cheese is one of their all time favorite things to do, especially with daddy. They are so lucky to have a dad like him! We ate gross pizza, got infested with lots of germs, and battled all the kids but everyone seemed to have a good time. Then we came home and did cake and now we're going to put the kids down so we can enjoy some football cuddled together on the couch! I hope he had a good day and knows how much we all LOVE AND ADORE HIM!!! Happy Birthday sweetie!!!
Jackson was extremely proud of the card he made for daddy, look how good he wrote Happy Birthday on the front all by himself!

My favorite boys in the world (ok, except Tyce and my dad)...

Joshy's card for daddy...

Jackson's card, notice his cute outfit? He's wearing SKINNY pants! Haha, too cute...

Parker spent some of his bday money on this awesome remote control car that flips and does lots of cool stuff, he also got a remote control airplane. Here they are playing with the car...

Cute Tyce at Chuck E Cheese, notice his adorable OREGON shirt from Auntie Nicole? LOVE it on him...

Could Josh's smile and dimples be any cuter?

Mommy's boys playing my favorite game..

Best pic I got of Parker and the cake...

What a fun day, Parker told me he feels like such a lucky guy but I say...he deserves all he has and more. He is such an amazing man and I still can't believe he's mine, forever. I am the luckiest girl alive!!! I LOVE YOU PARK!!!
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