The giant Panda, it was so cute just sitting there licking something...
Daddy, Jack, and the giant Panda...
Of course they had to play on every rock we saw...

Gotta love our double stroller, with Josh sitting on top it fits all three of our kids!
We loved watching the elephants because they were really interacting with eachother, it was cute to watch.
The boys could've watched the monkeys swing from tree to tree for hours...
Taking a break for lunch...
Josh ate his turkey sandwhich faster than he has ever eaten anything in his entire life, I guess the zoo works up his appetite!
The gorillas were SO fun to watch! There was a brand new baby one that was absolutely adorable. It kinda creeps me out how humanlike their mannerisms are though...
Jack liked riding on daddy's shoulders so he could see things better...
This tiger was more exciting for the boys than the real one, haha...
Standing above the Tiger pond, the boys wanted to take a swim but decided "it was too dirty." Ya, THAT'S the reason not to jump into a tiger's pond, haha...
Probably their favorite thing was petting this cow, haha...
Gotta ride the stone bear...
Where was Tyce you ask? He slept for five hours in his car seat like an angel...
He woke up just in time for a quick family photo, don't mind my nasty hair, we had just hiked up a HUGE LONG hill pushing the stroller and carrying Tyce...
It was a fun day but it sure wore us all out! Parker is at church right now and I'm home with all the sick kids. Tyce is much better, just the remainder of a stuffy nose and cough. Jackson is probably just at the beginning of it all. Joshy is pretty sick and his poor little voice is so hoarse it's hilarious. Luckily they felt good enough yesterday to have some fun.
MY PARENTS WILL BE HERE IN ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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