My parents flew into town Wednesday and stayed through Sunday, not long enough, but better than nothing! =) It was so fun having them here and the boys just loved them!
Here they are closing their eyes waiting for their surprise from Grandma and Grandpa Barraclough...

They got Candyland and Memory! They love to play games!

Here's Tyceroo in his bouncer...

We took them to the playplace at the mall, my dad watched them while my mom and I shoe shopped, thanks dad!!!

Thursday night my parents babysat while Parker and I went out! Here they are playing memory on the table and eating popcorn...

Daddy and Tyce smiling at eachother...

Saturday we got tickets to do the Capitol tour, here they are looking EVER so excited...

Here is the top of the Temple of Freedom, the dome you see from the outside...

Parker and I in front of the statue...

Cute guys...

Joshy sitting in Tyce's car seat...

Here is the top of the Library of Congress....

The twins and I at the Library of Congress, they were bored to death....

Grandpa and the twins...

Tycee LOVES his grandma...

Cute guy...

Smiley guy...

Right before they had to leave for the airport... =(

Thanks mom and dad for coming! Now I've got to begin the countdown till they come next...5 weeks!!!
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