The boys are still doing well with him, they adore him and whenever he cries they try to make him feel better. Lately, every time Tyce cries Jackson says..."me thinks he is crying so because (Jackson's favorite phrase, so because) he misses daddy. That's why I cry." Hahaha, it's so cute.
SPEAKING of Jackson...he has gone from mommy's little angel to mommy's little, well, not nice kid! I don't know if it's just all the change or what but he has become SO difficult. He literally cries and throws fits over EVERYTHING and I am sick of it. Any suggestions? I've tried talking to him, loving him, cuddling him, spanking him, time out, and ignoring him. Nothing seems to work. But with him screaming and Tyce screaming I think I just might lose it. Especially considering this house echos like crazy!!!
As far as the house, pics are to come I promise. It's a nice place, just lots of stairs (34 to be exact). Houses out here are just so tall! We have made a few friends and Parker is loving his job. We are going to Ohio this weekend to watch Parker's sister play volleyball so that should be fun, although the 6 hour drive could be interesting with the three kids.
Here are some of Tyce's various sleeping positions...

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