On Thursday my parents came out for the first time to see baby Tyce! I was SO excited to see them and I was totally spoiled by my mom with two of my favorite dinners. I forgot how good of a cook she is and how lucky I was growing up with meals like that every night! Thanks so much mom! Her and my dad even cleaned out my whole fridge for me! They were only here a couple days and I didn't get many pictures...
Grandpa Barraclough and baby Tyce...
The boys thought shucking (spelling???) the corn on the cob was pretty cool...
They left Saturday and took the twins with them to Salt Lake until Thursday! Sounds like they'll be spoiled rotten going to the zoo, dinosaur museum, water park, and the cabin so I'm sure they'll have fun! Parker and I are enjoying this time with no school, no work, and no twins! Our house is so quiet but it really is a nice change. I am trying to catch up on my sleep and sleep when Tyce does, since I can't do that when the twins are home. I do miss them a lot but
Saturday was Grandma Bliss's funeral and, unfortunately, I didn't get a single picture! The service was beautiful but I missed the graveside. We love Grandma so much and miss her but are so happy that she is now reunited with her husband who has been gone for so long.
Here are some random pics...
Apparently Josh saw DADDY do this and now thinks HE can do this...
Uncle Shane flew home for the funeral and brought the boys a surprise...
AIR JORDANS! Haha, the boys were SOOO excited...
Jackson got black...
Josh got white...
They think the shoes can make them jump higher so they spent the whole night jumping...
They love their Uncle Shane and have missed him...
Riding on their space ships around the house...
Here he is, the love of my life...
An attempt at a family picture with three grumpy boys and a camera about to die...
The boys like to join in whenever I'm trying to take a picture of Tyce, but that's ok...
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