Friday night my parents came out to Neola for the kids rodeo. We signed the boys up for the bunny chase and the chicken chase and they were SO excited about it, talked about it for days. But when the time actually came, and they saw all the animals and all the kids...they got scared and stayed by daddy crying the whole time, haha. Such city boys! It was hilarious to watch, although I felt very sorry for all the poor little animals terrified of all these kids running and jumping on them trying to catch them! So sad!
Saturday Parker and I headed out to Provo for the Stadium of Fire! My wonderful in laws watched the boys for us Saturday and Sunday, which was kinda sad to not be with them for fireworks but they would NOT have wanted to sit through the whole Stadium of Fire. It sounds like the boys had fun though. Anyways, Stadium of Fire was really really cool. The Jonas Brothers were there and people just went crazy! I couldn't believe it! I didn't really care much about them but the fireworks were awesome!
Sunday Parker and I went to church in our Lehi ward (gosh we miss it!) then headed up to my sister's house for a BBQ/birthday celebration for David and my mom! It was a lot of fun. I love my family and love being all together. Parker and I were super bummed we missed Michelle's birthday on Sunday but since we don't get to see my family much anymore we decided we couldn't pass up this chance. Here are some pics from the festivities...
David and his girls...
Dana and Mason...
It was a bittersweet weekend because I couldn't help but think that I'm going to be missing out on these family things from now on, which makes me so sad! Also, the thought of taking Jackson and Josh away from their grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, and cousins just breaks my heart because they love them so much! Ah why is life taking us to DC? I'm sure there's a reason, we just don't know it.
Anyways, all is well with the pregnancy. I'm 36 weeks, dialated to a 2, and the baby's head is very very low. My doctor said he would be surprised if I went to my due date. We're just hoping he can wait till after July 30th so Parker will be back from taking the bar exam in Oregon! We'll see!!!!
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