My mom recently quit her job as a pediatric nurse, something she has done and loved for 34 years, but now she has more time to come out and see us (well, primarily the kids but I happen to be here too!). This was her first time out here without my dad and it was fun to have some girl time! Here are some pics of the week...
She flew in just in time to make it to the boys football game...
It didn't take Tyce long to warm up to grandma...
My mom kept commenting on what a tease Tyce is, and she's right, he is definitely our family clown...
Love this picture, Jackson adores grandma...
With my dad not being here my mom had to assume the role of tickler...
We took the kids bowling, it was so nice to have someone to keep me company since Parker is gone so much now. Jackson won, despite bowling with a cast on...

So you know those stupid machines where you pay like $1 and try to grab a toy, stuffed animal, ball, etc with that claw thing? Total rip off, I never let my kids do those because they're always so devastated afterwards. Well after bowling Josh wanted to do it, I said no. The lady next to me said ya my kids have been trying for half an hour and can't get a ball. Next thing I know Josh runs over to me to show me he got a ball! Somehow, with no money, he managed to get it to work. Haha, of course that happens to Josh. SO...of course Jackson and Tyce wanted a ball. I took them to Walmart to find a cheap ball for them...Tyce ends up choosing a $12 ball!!!! I didn't know that's how much it was until I looked at my receipt. I decided I had to return it, I could not justify spending TWELVE dollars on a little ball. My mom and I tried many tactics trying to convince Tyce that we needed to return it, however he ended up sleeping with it and would NOT put it down. The next day they were playing with it outside and he got hit in the face with it, suddenly he wants to return it! BUT...since they were playing outside it's not all dirty and un-returnable. Ah, it's only money right? Anyways, here's Josh with his ball...

Sunday we watched General Conference, here are the boys playing general conference bingo...
Love this picture, Joshy coloring his missionary pictures while listening to President Monson...
Jackson and grandma cuddling...
As always seems to happen, the time flew by and Friday I had to drop her off at the airport. It is so hard to say goodbye to my mom. She's my mom. She's the one I want in my daily life. I dream every day of what life would be like living close to her. Then I get sad realizing that is not reality, and may never be. But I'm so glad she came and she really got to spend a lot of one on one time with Tyce since the twins were in school. My boys are so blessed to have such a wonderful grandma...on both sides! In fact...the other one comes in 2 weeks! Parker's parents are coming out for a few days end of this month and we're super excited for that. Yay for visitors!!!